Michael Leong shares sustainable solutions at SJ's China-Singapore forum

16 August 2024

Senior Executive Director Michael Leong was invited to speak at SJ's China-Singapore International Forum on Sustainable Development, held on 6 August 2024 in Shanghai, China.

Addressing some 150 leaders from the SJ Group and the Chinese governmental and industrial sector through his talk titled "Building Sustainable Industrial Zones Together For The Future", Michael explained how designing urban developments for connectivity, livability, and versatility can significantly reduce emissions from the sector.

Improving the walkability of Bulim Square with a district-wide sky corridor and adding another dimension to Jurong Lake District by designing it as a 24-hour environment that facilitates activities all round the clock were some examples he cited as features that enhance the connectivity and livability of urban developments.

Michael was also part of a panel that discussed the sustainable development of cities and industrial parks, speaking alongside:

  • Eric Zhang Qi, Senior Executive Director, Buildings + Cities, Regional Lead (China)
  • Huang Jiayong, Executive General Manager, Capitaland Investment (China) Enterprise Service Manager Investment (Data Center)
  • Jing Xudong, Director of Industry Promotion Department, Jinan Qibu District Management Committee
  • Lin Xuyang, General Manager & Deputy Party Secretary, China National Nuclear Corporation Capital Holding Co., Ltd

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